



■Hello everyone in Shichikashuku!
How have you been? This weather has been baking me like a cake in my apartment and unfortunately my birthday is in December. I hope everyone has been managing their time outside, considering the dangers of heat stroke.
I did some traveling during my summer break but kept it in Miyagi, as it turns out it is very expensive to drive over and take the ferry to Sado island. So I am sorry to those whom I excitedly said “I was going over there, next time!” I did however go to Sendai Tanabata festival and enjoyed some festivities with a couple friends, which was great. We even seen other foreigners with yukatas.
Lastly, my event of the summer break was paddle boarding at SUP(体験). I was joined by Takahashi again and we enjoyed a calm and wonderful day on lake Chorouko. I burned a little on my legs due to the sun but I’m recovering. I wanted to remain dry but fell in quite a few times, so I’ll share a picture of that. After being forced to swim so many times, I went home to take a nap!

最後に、私の夏休みのイベントはSUP体験でのパドルボードでした。私は高橋先生と再会し、長老湖で穏やかで素晴らしい一日を楽しみました。日焼けで足に少し火傷しましたが、回復してきました。ドライな状態を保ちたかったのですが、何度も落ちてしまったので、その写真をシェアします。 何度も泳がされた後、家に帰って昼寝をしました!


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