



Hello everyone!
It is now the end of the year! I hope you have had time to get out and enjoy the cold weather. I have been staying indoors learning some songs for the festive spirit or enjoying some gatherings with my friends. It is this time of the year where I miss some of my family and friends, as Christmas is a family day where people receive gifts and stay home in Canada, very few shops are open. As I am staying here for the holidays I’ll be making my own feast and maybe video calling home. There is also New Years. In Canada it is usually a party where we get together in bars or in parks, despite how cold it can get, to watch fireworks. I have, in the last few years, been with friends staying up until January first enjoying good food. With that said, I have been thinking about what I can improve about myself for next year. I have been working out and it has been helping me focus. My goal is to eventually make it to 80 pushups, or even a little more in a workout. I want to become stronger for the years to come, not weaker. I hope the rest of you can attain your New Year’s resolutions as well! Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!



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