



■To the people of Ohnan,
Just after graduating from university, I came to Ohnan in August of 2019. Then before I realized 5 whole years had passed.
Working here as an ALT, at first I didn’t know what to expect. But just as soon as I had arrived, I had begun to feel the warmth and kindness everyone here had. I was invited to an Ayu Festival just a few meters away from my house by my neighbors. From the start, my memories of Ohnan were nothing but beautiful and fun.
But only a few months after I had arrived, corona came. There were times when I felt like I was trapped and couldn’t do anything. Only thanks to the friends that I had made, especially everyone in Aragane Taiko, the Izuwa area, and the teachers and coworkers But only a few months after I had arrived, corona came. There were times when I felt like I was trapped and couldn’t do anything. I worked alongside, was I able to feel as if I had finally found a new home. But most importantly, however, what gave me a sense of purpose even in those hard times, was being able to make my students smile, come to enjoy learning, and see them grow.
Therefore I would like to announce that I will be continuing to work here in the town that I love and continue to teach English! While not in the same capacity as an ALT, I feel honored to be able to be a part of furthering the English education here and to give the children of Ohnan as bright a future as possible. While sad to be leaving my current role, I look forward to the bright future to come. While sad to be leaving my current role, I look forward to the bright future to come.
Thank you again to everyone. If you see me out and about, please don’t hesitate to reach out! And to my current and former students please continue to have confidence in yourself and to face challenges with positivity! I’m rooting for you! Where there’s a will, there’s a way!
Thank you again to everyone. If you see me out and about, please don’t hesitate to reach out! I’m glad to have found my second hometown here in Ohnan. I look forward to working together with everyone. From the bottom of my heart, I am most thankful.
From Shane


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