
ALT BTS(Beyond the story)




[All I Want for Christmas]

In December, the temperature drops considerably in Japan, and we feel the change of seasons.
In the Philippines, there are only two seasons, the rainy season and the hot season. So, I experienced a cold winter for the first time in Matsuno Town last year. It was very cold. This winter, I plan to go back to my home country, the Philippines, and spend the warm Christmas and New Year’s holidays there.

The Philippines is famous for having the longest Christmas celebration in the world, from September to January. Filipinos love to celebrate Christmas because it is a religious and family event. In September, you can feel everyone’s excitement for the long Christmas that is about to begin. In shopping malls and at home, they start decorating for Christmas tree. Also, exchanging gifts, wearing Christmas colored clothes, and singing Christmas songs also start in September. This atmosphere continues until the first week of January. When I was young, I also sang Christmas songs and received sweets and money from my neighbors (instead of “trick or treat” on Halloween). That’s why I’m looking forward to returning home. I plan to spend time with my family and eat Filipino food, especially lechon, which I’ve missed so much.

I hope you all have a great winter holiday. Let’s be thankful for the past year and look forward to what the new year has to offer. Stay warm and avoid catching a cold.





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