
ALT BTS(Beyond the story)




In August of 2024, I will have been living in Matsuno for one whole year! Every day is intense, so it feels like a long time.

I was very surprised at how easily I was able to adapt to life in Matsuno, and I truly believe that it was because of everyone’s warm welcome and support. Everyone I met was so kind and I made so many great friends while I was here that I will cherish for the rest of my life. I hope I can continue to improve my Japanese and make more friends.

Breaking through the language barrier can be difficult. I’ve been studying Japanese for almost 8 years, but I still have trouble sometimes. What I struggled with in Matsuno was learning how to talk well with children. The Japanese that I had studied was very formal and grammatical.
Textbooks don’t teach you to speak as naturally as children do, so sometimes the Japanese they speak can feel like I’ m learning a third language.

Even on difficult days, I can’t help but be captivated by the beauty of Ehime, especially Matsuno. I love Matsuno’s mountains because in my home state of Ohio, most of the land is flat and used for growing corn, soybeans, cattle, etc. and there are no mountains. Even though the crops here in Matsuno are different, I’m happy because I can see the same scenery as my hometown and the farming village where I was born and raised.

I love riding my bike along rivers, passing rice terraces, and watching the sun shine like a mirror on the water. I often climb up to Kagomori Castle to look out over the valley and see all the life there. My mind feels refreshed. Matsuno is a beautiful place, the people are very kind, and the children are smart and energetic, so I’m very happy and lucky to have lived here for so long.



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