Hello, everyone. Happy New Year! I’m Seth Hamra, and I work at Gyokuryo Middle/Elementary and Nabe Elementary School. This is my 3rd year in Tamana. I am grateful for all the things Japan has given me. Work, friends, adventure, fun, wonderful sights, and even a wife. We are both foreigners, but we met here in Kumamoto. We recently had our first child, a boy named Rio. He loves eating pancakes and playing with toy cars. I think he prefers his mom over me, so I’m a little jealous.
In America, we spend Christmas with family, but celebrate New Years with a countdown party. On Christmas, all the stores close and people stay in, usually eating a big, home cooked meal with their family. On New Year’s Eve, many people go out to parties to celebrate. Schools close early for winter break on December 23rd, but by January 2nd, everyone is back to work. Japan is the opposite, isn’t it? It took a few years to adjust.
We hope you have a wonderful New Year, surrounded by the love and warmth of your family. Let’s work hard this year, appreciate those with us and enjoy what life gives us.