
国際交流掲示板(International exchange information)



Something about Nomi City…
Hello, I’m Mee from the United States. I have been living in Nomi City for about five years. When I first arrived, I was scared of living in a different country for the first time. However, something about Nomi made it easy to transition and integrate without me getting overwhelmed.
Nomi is one of the places that is easily overlooked, but is actually a hidden gem.
It has a good mixture of both the city and countryside. It’s not busy and fastpaced like in the big cities but it’s also not so quiet that a foreigner who’s far away from family, like me, would become lonely. There are museums, there are diverse restaurants, and there are local events and festivals that can be enjoyed. I also think that Nomi’s location is the best. There is easy access to both beaches and mountains. If one day I want to go to the beach, it’s right there. If one day I want to go to the mountains for a short hike, it’s right there. I do not have to look far for either.
I also enjoy the workshops held by NIEA that introduce and share about different countries and cultures. Nomi has many diverse people living here and I think it is a wonderful thing that they have a chance to share about their lives and cultures. Not only that, but there are also many Japanese residents who go to these workshops to learn and get to know more about us and that really warms my heart.
Before coming to Japan, I had never heard of Nomi City. It was just a small city in Japan, but now, it has become a second home to me. There is just something about Nomi City that just makes it a special place.




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