
ALTクリスティの英語であれこれ 第4回



■“Goodbye, Summer.Hello, Autumn.”
This is my first-time experiencing autumn season. I landed in Japan in the spring of 2023. So, I have already experienced spring, summer and autumn seasons in Japan. As of today, I must say that autumn is my favorite season. I come from a tropical country, the Philippines, and I’m not sure if I’ll like winter because I’ve heard from many of my colleagues and friends that it will be very chilly. But, I’m looking forward to trying out some winter activities.

Back to the topic, I can truly say that autumn fashion is on fleek. I occasionally struggle with what to wear to blend in. The majority of Japanese people have excellent fashion sense. So, I pay close attention and attempt to mix and match my OOTD(Outfit of the Day).

The autumn vista is stunning, and I finally know what the fall season smells like. I’d like to share my autumn pictures. This is my realization about the fall season, that even if the leaves are falling, there is still beauty in it. Not just the beauty, but it gives me an idea about life, even if we fall down, there isalways a reason why some things happen and we must not forget the lesson we learn from it, and that is the beauty I am talking about. It teaches us an important lesson. We have ups and downs, just like the seasons, but the most important thing is that we don’t give up and just keep going, just like the trees which experiences four seasons.


話は戻りますが、秋のファッションはまさにイケてると言えます。何を着れば周りに溶け込めるか悩むこともあります。日本人の多くはファッションセンスに優れています。そのため、私は細心の注意を払って、その時のOOTD(Outfit of the Day) を合わせるようにしています。



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