Hello Gojome,
Its graduation season! In America, our graduations are usually in May and June. During this time of the year,many people share their love and gifts with students who are graduating.
School isn’t easy, so you deserve to be celebrated.
Congratulations to the 3rd year students graduating from junior high school! I’m sad I won’t see you in school, but I am proud of you for working so hard. I hope you all have a wonderful time in high school and create many new memories.
Congratulations to the 6th year students moving from elementary to junior high school! I’m so excited to see you in your uniforms. I can’t wait to see how much you grow and learn next
school year.
Also, here’s a photo of us when we went skiing in February!
Until next time.
■Michealea Lemons(マシェイラ・レモンズ)