
みんなのひろば ディエゴの日記 Diego’s diary



October 2023
Hello, it’s Diego!
October means it’s the fall season which means it’s also Halloween season! This year, I held multiple English lessons in different costumes. It’s amazing how wearing a dumb costume for a day is able to bring so much joy to everyone. While bringing joy to others is a gift in itself, the costume may have an even greater effect on the person wearing it. For adults, Halloween presents a fleeting chance to stop taking ourselves so seriously. By putting on a costume, we can shed our usual, formal facade. We become our costume’s persona. During Halloween when everyone wears a silly outfit, all judgement is withheld. We remember for a moment, who we were as a young child: free of pretensions and insecurities, goofily living in the moment, just taking things as they are. It makes you wonder: why can’t everyday be Halloween?



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