
みんなのひろば ディエゴの日記



November 2024
Hello, it’s Diego!
On November 23rd, we held a party for our friend Andy. He is leaving Akita to pursue his dream of living abroad in Australia. I am so fortunate to have met Andy. Andy is one of the hardest working people I have ever met. He works six days a week, holding multiple jobs. Despite being busy with work, he finds the time to study English to make his dreams come true. He is so good at English that it is hard to believe that he has never been abroad. He is also positive all the time and never fails to make us, his friends, smile. I want to be a good influence on the people around me like Andy was to me. He is a reminder for me that kindness is something we spread to the people around us. Do you have anyone in your life who inspires you?



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