
みんなのひろば ディエゴの日記



June 2024
Hello, it’s Diego!
On a sunny Saturday afternoon (June 1st), I participated in a new event by ALTs in Akita, the Block Cup. ALTs from all over Akita gathered at the Akita Athletics Park representing their region in a competition of both wits and brawn to determine the best. The ALTs of Akita are divided into four regions/teams: North (Kitaakita, Noshiro), Central (Akita City, Minamiakita), South (Daisen) and Yurihonjo. We competed in ultimate frisbee, tug of war, obstacle courses and trivia. As Ikawa’s ALT, I played for the central block. The whole event was a blast. Working together as a team in a competition is always fun. We ultimately won second place. I was also glad to make more memories with ALT friends from further away, some of whom are going back to their home countries this summer. One day we will reminisce about the great time we had together that one Saturday afternoon.



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