
みんなのひろば ディエゴの日記



January 2025
Hello, it’s Diego!
From December 4th to 10th, I visited the Philippines to attend my friends’ wedding. It has been 10 years since I have been back since moving to the US with my family in 2014. It is hard to describe the feelings that flow from a mind being flooded by memories of a place its been away from for so long. Ten years of life has changed a lot of things for everyone. I arrived as a visitor who has built 7 years of life in the US and 3 years of life in Japan. My friends and family have started careers and even families. In a world where change is unrelenting, the bonds I had with everyone has stayed resilient. The warmth and kindness I remember from my family and friends has only grown and deepened with time. For my loved ones in the Philippines, I will always just be the Diego they knew and that is one of the most comforting things in this world for me.



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