



For those wanting to study Japanese
For those foreigners living in or near Hokota City,
The Hokota shi International Association is running an affordable Japanese language class.
In the class,you can learn Japanese conversation,reading and writing,Japanese culture,and interact with volunteers.
If you want to learn Japanese,please come directly to the classroom!

When:Every Tuesday 7:00pm~8:50pm
Where:Hokota Central Community Center
(occasionally lesson will be held elsewhere)
Who:Foreigners living in or near Hokota City over 16 years of age
ClassTypes:3Levels conversation classes from beginner to advanced.
Reading and writing is dependent on the student’s abilities.
Cost:Please pay with your ticket.
A set of 4tickets will be sold for 1000yen at the first class.

For inquiries,please contact The Hokota shi International Association at Hokota City Hall by calling 0291-36-7154.

にちじ 毎週火曜日(まいしゅうかようび)19:00~20:50
ばしょ 鉾田中央公民館(ほこたちゅうおうこうみんかん)
たいしょう 16歳以上(さいいじょう)の外国人(がいこくじん)
ないよう クラスを分(わ)けて、日本語(にほんご)の勉強(べんきょう)をします。
おかね 4回分(かいぶん)で1,000円(えん)のチケット制



〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂2丁目9番11号 オリックス赤坂2丁目ビル

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