
エドワードの部屋(今別町ALT ドウェイン・エドワード)



Hello everyone! It’s your ALT Edward. I am really enjoying the summer weather. I can’t believe I will be going back to America next month.
皆さんこんにちは! ALT エドワードです。夏の天気は最高ですね。来月帰国するなんて信じられません。

Sometimes at the elementary school I play games with the students. They like playing dodgeball.The first time I played it with them, I was a little confused. It was different than the dodgeball we play in America.

In America, if you are hit with the ball, you are out. Same as Japan. But you do not go to the outfield.Instead you go to the back of your own side and do nothing. If a ball goes out of bounds, the people who are out go to get it.

Once you are out in American dodgeball, there is no way to go back in, so games are much faster.Sometimes the games at the elementary school never end because the people who are out keep returning. I like the American rules more, but I think it is mostly because I am used to it.

I want to teach American dodgeball to the students at Imabetsu Elementary school, but I think they will like the Japanese way better.


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