
コナーのコーナーNO.34 伝統行事(今別町ALTブルーマー・コナー)



Happy New Year everyone!

The beginning of a New Year is always significant; it represents the end of an era, as well as the beginning of something new.
It encourages people to look back to the past before looking towards the future.
Living in both America and Germany, I’ve learned about many interesting New Year traditions.

In America, it is popular to make a “New Year’s Resolution”, a personal goal for the new year. Many resolutions involve self-improvement, such as exercising more, eating healthier, or quitting smoking.
Other resolutions involve self-fulfillment, such as learning a new skill, spending more time on a hobby, or completing a project.
Many people write down their resolutions on a piece of paper to remember their goals.

In Germany, we have a tradition called Bleigießen, which is German for “lead pouring”.
It involves holding a small piece of metal in a spoon, holding the spoon over a flame to melt the metal, and pouring the melted metal into a glass of water to cool; the metal becomes solid in the water, forming interesting shapes. Despite the name,most people use wax or tin instead of lead for a safer experience.

However, my favorite New Year’s tradition is celebrating with fireworks! When I lived in Germany, I would stay up until midnight to watch my town’s fireworks with my Mom, Dad, and Brother.
Sometimes, there would be some more fireworks for a few nights after New Year’s Eve! While I’m sad that I won’t be able to spend my New Year’s Day with my family, I’m looking forward to celebrating with my friends in Japan.

Before the article ends, I want you to take a moment to think about where you were last January and where you are this year. Last January, I was in Germany, studying college and working as a substitute teacher. This year, I’m in Japan, I graduated college and working as an Assistant Language Teacher! I’m very happy with where I am now; I hope you all have a good year too.


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