
コナーのコーナーNo. 5 バレンタインデー(今別町ALTブルーマー・コナー)



Howdy everyone. This is your ALT Conner!

Despite being the shortest month of the year, February can be an exciting month. In America,February is host to many celebrations, such as Valentine’s Day, Presidents’ Day, Black History Month,and the occasional Leap Year. Personally, I will be going snowboarding for the first time in Aomori, so I am excited for that. However, today I would like to talk about Valentine’s Day.

You might be aware that Valentine’s Day is a little different in America. Traditionally, Valentine’s Day has been celebrated with a man giving gifts to a woman; these gifts can range from hand-written cards, flowers, chocolates, and even dinner dates. However, many people also use the day as an expression for multiple types of love, such as the love of one’s family, the love of one’s friends, and even the love of oneself.

When I was in High School, I was a member of the show choir class; every Valentine’s Day, we would offer a serenade service to raise money for events. For $2, you could request the choir to sing a song to a friend or a special someone. I ended up singing a song for my “crush” at the time, although I did not do a good job explaining my feelings. But we are still friends, so I’m happy.

While I have never spent Valentine’s Day with a “special someone”, I have always enjoyed the holiday.
There tends to be a positive atmosphere carried throughout the day seeing people give gifts and affirm their feelings. Plus, one of my best friends was born on Valentine’s Day, so I get to celebrate her birthday. Generally, when other people are happy, I tend to be happy too!

I hope that you are all happy this Valentine’s Day, whether you spend the day by yourself, with friends,family, or someone special to you.


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