
コナーのコーナーNo.6 セントパトリックデー



今別町ALT ブルーマー・コナー

Hello everyone. This is your ALT Conner!

March is always an exciting month for me. March 17th is St. Patrick’s Day; in America, the day is used to celebrate Irish heritage and imagery. On St. Patrick’s Day, everything is themed after green in reference to the Shamrock, a type of 3-leafed clover endemic to Ireland. To celebrate, people wear green clothes, eat green food, and drink green beverages. In fact, the city of Chicago pours a special eco-friendly mixture into their river to dye the whole river green!

If you would like to learn more about Ireland and its culture, I would like to recommend a movie called The Secret of Kells. It has very beautiful animation and was made in Ireland.

St. Patrick’s Day is also my brother’s birthday. The holiday makes it very easy to remember. We often celebrate both at the same time with a green birthday cake; it helps that my brother likes the color green. Drinking alcohol on St. Patrick’s day is very popular in America; funnily enough, my brother does not drink a lot of alcohol, so he tends to have very calm birthdays.

This March will be special for me, as my older brother will be visiting Imabetsu. He’s my best friend,and I’m excited to see him again fter half a year in Japan. He is very excited to learn about Imabetsu and the Aomori prefecture. If you see him, please say hello!


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