
コナーのコーナーNo.9 父の日



今別町ALT ブルーマー・コナー

Hello everyone! This is your ALT Conner!

Last month, I wrote about Mother’s Day and some good memories with my mother. I was sad that I could not spend that day with her; however, with Father’s Day coming later this month, I will not be so sad. That’s because both of my parents are visiting Japan this month, so I will be able to celebrate Father’s Day with my father! Even though I get to celebrate that day with him in person, I still want to write about some good memories with my father and how he inspires me.

In America, Father’s Day and Mother’s Day are celebrated in similar ways. People often celebrate their fathers with an assortment of gifts, ranging from delicious snacks and sweets to a dinner at a nice restaurant. In America,fathers are associated with strength, skilled labor, and outdoor activities, so many people will celebrate their fathers with activities and gifts relevant to those traits. If you go to the department store during Father’s Day, you might find big sales on grills, charcoal, meat, power tools, lawnmowers, lifting weights, and sports equipment.

My father is very strong, not only in raw power, but in strength of the mind. He practices Tai Chi every week with his friend. When my older brother and I were kids, my father would often take us with him for training; back then, I found it exhausting and frustrating, but I find myself reminiscing on those times I spent with him doing something he is passionate about.

He has inspired me to start training on my own… a little. I started in May with the goal of doing 1 pull-up. Since I write these articles at the beginning of each month, I don’t know if I have achieved my goal yet; I will leave a small update in July’s article. As for my goal in June… doing 2 pull-ups.
彼は私に、少しだけ、自分でトレーニングを始めるきっかけを与えてくれました。懸垂を1回することを目標に5月から始めました。この記事は毎月初めに書いているので、目標を達成できたかどうかはわかりませんが、7月の記事にちょっとした最新情報を残しておきます。 6月の目標は…懸垂を2回することです。

Whether you are celebrating your own father, or perhaps you yourself are a father, I wish you all a happy Father’s Day.


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