









◆Interview with an ALT

This month I will interview Adam, he is a 30 year old Canadian and an Assistant Language Teacher(ALT)here in Hidaka-mura! Adam has previously spent 5 years in Hidaka-mura so you might know him!

▽Originally,(way back)why did you want to become an ALT in Japan?
“Back in university, I did a year of study abroad in Japan and I had an amazing time. So, I decided I wanted to come back and work. Becoming an ALT was a good way to do it!”

▽What do you enjoy most about your work as an ALT?
“I enjoy hanging out with the students and telling jokes and being silly. You don’ t need to speak the same language to joke around.”

▽What made you fall in love with Hidaka-mura?
“I don’ t necessarily think there’ s one specific thing, but an accumulation of many. The people are kind and welcoming, the omurice is delicious, Hidaka is quiet and kind of inaka but at the same time it’ s close to the city. The list goes on and never stops.”

▽What is one thing that you would like to share from Canada with the people of Hidaka-mura?
“If you ever get a chance to visit Canada, try and find vending machines. In Canada, we don’ t have vending machines on the streets in public. It’ s very rare. Don’ t take Japanese vending machines for granted!”

Thank you, Adam, for sharing your thoughts with us this month and welcome back to Hidaka-mura!


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