
ヨシ先生の「Yoshi’ s Panel」



●「Singing Culture」
Kamusta! Did you a fun time during Halloween? I had a day that was unplanned but turned out fantastic! One day, when I was about to ride my usual train ride to Yonago, I saw Filipinos about to ride the same train. There were also some Japanese people with them. I was only supposed to buy food, but I ended up going to karaoke with them! After this, a few Japanese people asked me a surprising question. They asked why Filipinos are such good singers. This will be the topic for this month. Let’ s talk about why the Filipinos are naturally good at singing. In my country, singing is a big part of our lives. 80% of houses in the Philippines have ka raoke. We also have karaoke inside shopping malls. People can just grab a mike, choose a song, and sing in front of everyone for free.
But why do Filipinos love and enjoy singing so much? During the old times in the Philippines, the people had ancient singing traditions. They told histories and legends through singing and chanting. And this culture continued on even today. When we cle an, we sing. When we cook, we sing. Even when we take a shower! Also, most celebrations and events in the Philippines often involve singing. We love to compete with each other by singing difficult songs. Becau se of this, Filipinos don’ t realize that they’ re slowly building their singing skills. Now, you may think that sleeping in the Philippines must be difficult. And it is.
But overtime, you’ ll learn how to sleep soundly even though there’ s loud music nearby. And this is another skill that Filipinos have.




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