
ヨシ先生の「Yoshi’s Panel」12



■Rare Animals in the Philippines
Kamusta! Did you enjoy your Golden Week? What did you do? I remember going to a zoo during last year’ s Golden Week. I saw many interesting animals there. And a Japanese friend of mine asked me about animals in my country so I thought of talking about rare animals in the Philippines for this month’ s topic. The first rare animal I’ ll talk about is the tarsier. Tarsiers are small animals that look similar to lemurs and monkeys. The most amazing features of these animals are its small size and its enormous eyes. Tarsiers are the only primates that are entirely carnivorous. Adult tarsiers live in pairs and keep in contact during the night. They are extremely shy animals and are sensitive to light so it’ s best to avoid taking pictures of them. The second animal I’ ll be talking about is the Philippine crocodile. The Philippine crocodile is the rarest crocodile in the world. Like the tarsier, this crocodile is on the smaller side of the spectrum, with mature animals reaching around only five feet in length and just over 30 pounds. They are now critically endangered species. And because of this, very little is known about the natural history or ecology of this species. Unfortunately, people do sometimes kill the reptiles because they see them as a threat to livestock or even people. These are only two of the rare animals found in the Philippines. How about you? Have you ever seen a rare animal?




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