
ヨシ先生の「Yoshi’s Panel」



■Citizen Army Training
Kamusta! What did you think about last month’ s topic? The 8th graders from Kofu school had their workplace experience last week. The students told me stories of what they did when they were working. They asked me if the Philippines has workplace experience as well. The answer to that is no. My country had something more extreme. When I was a student, I had the C.A.T. This will be my topic for this month. The Citize n Army Training, or C.A.T., was a requirement to all senior high school students to undergo a mil itary training for at least 5-6 months. All senior high school students had to do this. The training program was exactly like in the military. The reasons for this were to build discipline, and to prepare citizens if ever a war happened and the country would need soldiers. In my experience, it was the most difficult challenge for me. I would wake up at 3 a.m. to prepare and leav e home at around 4 a.m. to go to school. Me and the other students would learn and practice the military life. We’ d practice how to march, fight, and survive outdoors. It pushed my physical and mental strength to their limits. The Philippines no longer has the C.A.T. But I’ m glad I received the training. It taught me how to live with discipline and survive in this world.




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