
ヨシ先生の「Yoshi’ s Panel」



Kamusta! Summer vacation is over. The students are now going ba ck to school. I hope everyone enjoyed their summer vacation. When I was riding my bicycle, I saw kids playing tag with their friends outside. It made me remember wha t games kids play a lot in the Philippines. And this will be my topic for this month. I’ ll be talking about a street game in my
country. This game is called patintero. Patintero, or tubigan, is a unique Filipino variation of tag.
It’ s played on a big rectangular grid on the ground. The rectangle is then subdivided into 4 to 6 parts de pending on the number of p layers. It is started with the 2 teams doin g eith er rock-paper-scissors or by a coin toss. The players are divided into 2 teams: the passers, and the line guards. The line guards are positioned standing on the lines and they are not allowed to step into the squares. The passers position themselves at the start point and their goal is to cross from the starting line of the rectangle to the end and back without getting tagged by the line guards. If the passers cross the rectangle and go back to the base successfully, they earn the point. It is a fun and challenging game as the space to avoid getting tagged is small. Patintero is just one of the many unique Filipino street games played by both kids and adults and I hope you take interest in other Filipino games.




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