
ヨシ先生の「Yoshi’ s Panel」



●「New Year’ s Day」
Kamusta! What did you do on Christmas Day? We had a white Christmas this year! I’ m sure many people had struggles during this time, but I hope everyone enjo yed Christmas with friends and families. We’ re only a few steps away from New Year’ s Day! This is our topic for this month. We’ re going to talk about the New Year’ s Day in the Philippines. New Year’ s Day is a public holiday in the Philippines on January 1st. Government offices, schools and most businesses are closed. Public transport is reduced for the people to roam around the streets freely. New Year’ s Day in my country is celebrated a bit differently. But like in most countr ies, people stay awake on December 31st. Filipinos gather to enjoy Media Noche, which is a meal fo r the coming year. It is very loud outside as it is tradition to have fireworks and be loud as much as possible to drive away evil spirits.
Most people go outside during New Year’ s Eve to light fireworks. And let’ s not forget Karaoke! Like I said before, Filipinos love to sing. Karaoke machines are outside people’ s homes to be used by anyone who would like to sing.
Kids also jump at the stroke of midnight as it is believed that it will make them taller. There are a lot more things to do during this event and I hope you get the chance to visit my country to experience it.




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