



●Mythical Creatures in the Philippines
Kumusta! It’ s the month of October, the month of Halloween. You may not remember, but I talked about Filipino mythical creatures one time. For this month, I’ d like to go back to this topic. Let’ s talk about mythical creatures in the Philippines. The first creature I’ d like to talk about is the Kapre. This creature known for its dark skinned, very tall, and muscular fig ure. Kapres are frequently seen waiting for people to pass through their path. They also scare off children who play in the forest at night. They are not always evil creatures. However, they enjoy playing with people who wander through the forest. If you get stuck in a place and keep going in circles, it must be the Kapre’s fault.
To escape, you must remove your clothes and wear them inside out. The next mythical creature for this month is the Diwata. A diwata is a mythical creature which is similar to fairies. It is usually seen as a very beautiful woman, and it is a protector of the mountain and its resources. However, not all diwatas are good creatures. Others invite men to their homes, and once the men agree to follow them, they are never seen again. It is said that the creatures trick the men into becoming their husbands. There are many more mythical creatures in the Philippines. How about you? What other mythical creatures do you know?




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