



●Unique Traditions
Kumusta! We’ re almost at the end of the year. People in the Philippines hav e been preparing for Christmas since the start of September! But before we discuss Christmas, let’ s look at some unique traditions in the Philippines. The first tradition I’ d like to introduce is singing. Filipinos love to sing.
They have an incredible ability to sing along with people by ad ding another layer of voice to the song. According to an interview, three out of five Filipinos can sing, while one out of five Filipinos can play the guitar. But why are they so good at singing? During the old times, Filipinos had ancient singing traditions. They told histories and legends through singing and chanting. Because of this, Filipinos have developed a natural talent for singing. The seco nd tradition I’ d like to discuss is “pakikisama” . Its meaning is “to go with someone” or “to ask someone to go with you.” Filipinos value cooperation and being part of a community. However, unlike in other countries, they respect each other’s space and boundaries. People like to see what you can do and, if possible, help the community by sharing your skills. You can help others without b ecoming exploited. You help the community in your own way, not how the community expects you to help. While this may appear to be in contrast to traditional forms of cooperation, Filipinos believe that the community can only improve if people can work with others in a way they are not exploited and have the freedom to choose how they want to help. This creates an environment where people are not forced to do something for the whole group.




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