
ヨシ先生の「Yoshi’ s Panel」



●The Month of Love
Kamusta! How was your New Year? Did you do anything special? Do you have a New Year’ s Resolution for this year? It’s almost time to end January. How quickly time passes! Since February is quickly approaching, people are starting to get ready for Valentine’s Day by making special plans for their significant other. I thought it would be appropriate to talk about Valentine’s Day in my country. Valentine’s Day is a significant holiday in the Philippines. It’s not just for couples or asking someone out, but also for friends and relatives. This occasion is special for people who want to create lasting memories with the people dear to them. It can be having dinner together at a restaurant, watching movies, or a simple meal preparation at home. You’ll probably hear someone say “I love you” to you since Filipinos are very sentimental an d outspoken individuals who don’t mind expressing their feelings. There’ s also a high chance for you to receive flowers and letters from someone. I remember when I was still in high school, my classmates and I decorated our classroom with lots of flowers and letters. Each of the boys carried a rose flower and did a slow dance with our female teachers. Some of us also sang love songs as if we were serenading them. It was such a heartfelt moment that some of the teachers teared up as it was only a few more weeks before our graduation.




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