
ヨシ先生の「Yoshi’ s Panel」



●Street Food part 2
Kumusta! How’ s life been for you lately? The weather’ s getting warmer as the days go by! People are now getting their summer clothes out. Food like ice cream a nd watermelon are becoming more popular again! In relation to food, I’ d like to carry on from last month’ s topic which was about street food in the Philippines. I’ ll be discussing two of them. The first street food is the Adidas or grilled chicken feet. Adidas are chicken feet marinated in vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, and other ingredients, and then cooked until the marinade completely coats the entirety of the feet. It is usually served with rice, and it is rich in collagen, which is good for your bones. While seeing chicken feet on a plate may be intimidating for people who aren ’ t used to it, Adidas is a savory food that people must try. The next food I’ ll talk about is taho. As soon as the sun rises, you can hear the voice of the taho vendor. Kids line up to get a fresh serving of this succulent dessert.
Filipinos’ favorite street food in the morning. Taho is a Filipino delicacy made of silken tofu, sago pearls, and brown sugar syrup. It’ s a delicious vegan soy breakfast that you can buy if you need a quick boost in the morning as it is packed with protein and carbs for energy. It’ s tasty and very easy to make at home.





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