



●The Month of Love
Kumusta! We are now done with the first month of this year. Time flies so fast. This month is the month of love! Have you prepared anything for your special someone? Valentine’ s Day is a special day that is not only for couples, but also for families and eve n friends you hold dear. Today, I’ m going to discuss the month of love in the Philippines. In Japan, I rarely hear the words “I love you” .
In fact, I’ ve lived here for almost 9 years, and I’ ve never heard a Japanese person say these words.
However, it’ s the opposite in the Philippines. Filipinos are very expressiv e. Saying “I love you” is pretty common. They are not afraid to speak their mind and because of this, confessing one’ s love for someone is also greatly affected. People send love letters, buy flowers, and sing while playing the guitar for their special someone during the confession. Thi s tradition is called Harana. It isn’ t only for your special someone, but it’ s also for people who are important to you. When I was a student, my classmates and I planned something for our teacher. During lunch break, other students formed a circle in the classroom, and we pretended to fight in the middle of it. When our teacher arrived to stop the fight, we surprised her with roses and love letters. A small group of students also played the guitar and sang a song for her. There are many creative ways to show love. It’ s the extra effort that you put to capture someone’ s heart.
What about you? What ways do you do to show love?




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